Tag beaver creek

Races, Music, and BBQ in Beaver Creek

Beaver Creek, Colorado may be one of your favorite destinations for skiing, but as spring turns to summer, other family activities are being planned. As luck would have it, activities in Beaver Creek have something to offer the entire family…

Girls’ Getaway: Spring for the Spas

My idea of a perfect weekend escape with friends? Two nights at a nearby (but not too close) hotel, pampering spa treatments, fine dining and plenty of outdoor activity. Throw in some red wine and lots of late-night girl talk,…

Antiquing: Seeking Treasures in Beaver Creek

When you’re combing the list for recreation in the Colorado Rockies, there are so many choices: skiing, snowboarding, hiking, rock climbing, horseback riding, river rafting, antiquing. Antiquing? That’s right. Not only can you revel in the natural beauty-type of treasures…

Snow Play: Without the Skis

Colorado has the good fortune of a “perfect storm” of conditions for winter sports enthusiasts. Mountainous terrain coupled with just-the-right-latitude brings us abundant winter snow, and that famed 300 days of sunshine per year make it all the more fun.…